The company recognises the importance of environmental responsibility throughout all its activities as a provider of temporary agency personnel. All employees, contractors are required to ensure that environmental issues are carefully considered in the planning, controlling and execution of all work and utilising the principals of BS EN ISO 14001 2015 where the work is under our control.

The company is committed to:

  • Striving for continual improvement in our environmental performance and prevention of pollution
  • The reduction, within reasonable economic constraints, of the environmental impact of its activities and where practicable to sustain the use of all resources.
  • Meet the requirements of all relevant legislation and where practicable exceed these requirements
  • Communicate internally and externally our environmental performance and plans where requested
  • Ensuring that all employees, contractors are aware of this Environmental Policy statement through training, instruction and supervision.
  • To continually assess our environmental performance
  • Annually review our environmental objectives

The company is committed to the continued review and improvement of its environmental performance as appropriate to the nature and scale of its operations. Senior Management has overall responsibility for this Environmental Policy.